Handles Slick

She is so beautiful!

Great curvy body, smooth and shiny, strong yet graceful. I fell for her the first time I laid eyes on her. And the very first time I touched her, well, there was no going back. It didn't help much that she was my brother's [and still is]. But she has always been understanding. She doesn't mind being taken out while he's away at college. But, Sshhh, that's our little secret!

Today fate was kind enough to present me the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time with her. I did not intend to let this gift go waste. I rushed to her the very moment I could get away from the drudgery of daily routine. Small talk was never our forte and it was looked upon as a waste of time. I simply reached across and touched her, that was our hello, telepathic and terrific. I felt along the contours of her body, feeling that special connection building up. She waited patiently for me. In time, when i was ready, i straddled her, my knees pressing at just the right pressure against her sides and her sides pressing right back against me. A tweak here, a small twist there and she was ready to go. I gathered my breath, bunched my leg muscles and gave a nice, hard


She shuddered to life with her trademark 'Thump'.

There's no one like her, no one quite like the Royal Enfield Electra! :P

She's a bike and she belongs to my brother, you see. Great looking curvy tank, side boxes. Shiny chromed handlebar, leg guards, rear view mirrors. Strong 350cc engine and graceful handling [Burnouts? Donuts? No problem. My bro pulls of the meanest donuts]. Comfortable riding stance, yada yada yada.

So the trip was from Dehradun to Mussorie for official 'Dad' work. 25 odd kilometers of mountain roads in the middle of the monsoon, slight rain, heavy fog, slick roads, perilous drops. In one word: heaven.

While riding two wheelers is fun in itself, riding the Royal Enfield is a completely different proposition. Some hate it, others love it. And for those who love it each ride is an experience in itself; right from the kick-start to hearing the engine tick as it cools when the journey is over.

Related Links:
Royal Enfield
Wiki on Royal Enfield
Royal Enfield Commemarative Book

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Literotica: for those who enjoyed the starting and would like to wrap things up, better stories here. Minors, please go to the Disney site. [I always wanted to say that! lol]

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